Saturday, May 8, 2010

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 1, Episode 20 “Mock” (B+)

The introduction to this episode, re-framing what happened at the end of last week from the viewpoint of the Florrick children and continuing the plot past Peter’s exit from the apartment. His show of dedication to Alicia seems a bit ill-advised, especially since it leads to the kids having to put themselves in jeopardy for the sake of the family. It was very good of Alicia to step in to help her neighbors after realizing what the son had done for her family, and that was an interesting subplot. Taking on an immigration case and seeing how Alicia isn’t quite in her element (“too close to the microphone!”) is intriguing. Cary thinking it was all related to video games provided some nice additional entertainment as well. Will calling another friend when Alicia stood him up was a bit of a seedy move, but then agreeing to be a judge for mock trial as a favor proved to be pretty fun. That student was quite a troublemaker for Will, forcing him to excuse himself from a mock trial case. She’s definitely bad news for Will, refusing to leave until he agrees to go to dinner with him. If she was so easily able to frame him for unfavorable behavior in a mock court, how much damage can she do to him in the real world? He’s obviously not thinking clearly, but that mostly has to do with his obsession with Alicia, who herself is trying to find new ways of being open and honest with her family, discussing her relationship with Will and demanding the truth from Peter. The likely suicide of Kozko will definitely have major implications for the future, though, just as things were starting to look okay.

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