Sunday, May 9, 2010

What I’m Watching: Parenthood

Parenthood: Season 1, Episode 10 “Namaste No More” (B+)

The chain of events in this episode led to the splintering of a few plotlines that were all quite intriguing and entertaining. Sarah’s search for a computer at the pawn shop was hilarious, and I particularly liked the line from the computer salesman back at Drew: “how’s your mother going to go on Craigslist without a computer?” Discovering Zeek’s cufflinks provided for a fantastic meeting of the middle Braverman generation which was both funny and touching. Crosby saying that it makes him uncomfortable, but he’ll be there was nice, and I loved the ensuing argument in the car about his extreme height and the fact that Adam and Sarah have always been both older and shorter than him. Regarding the other plotlines, Adam and Kristina seem to have the worst luck trying to find a good family who has a child that could be a friend for Max. Julia volunteering to coach her daughter’s soccer team seemed like it would lead somewhere bad, but instead we got to see one of the players break-dancing and Jabar doing a stellar job on the field. Crosby trying to convince Jabar that he was still asleep when he ran into him in the middle of the night was very funny, and I like that Crosby is trying to seriously make it work with Jasmine. Hattie talking to Hattie about her relationship was intriguing, but Amber really needs to start finding her own guys. After flirting with her mother’s boyfriend, moving on to her cousin’s ex is not a good plan.

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