Sunday, May 9, 2010

What I’m Watching: Justified

Justified: Season 1, Episode 8 “Blowback” (B+)

It’s hard to believe how quickly the marshal’s headquarters can become such a dangerous place. A rogue prisoner trying to make one last stand before he’s carted off to prison for four life sentences creates a fascinating episode which reveals just as much about Raylan as it does about him. Art telling Raylan to shoot the convict if he gets a clear shot only moments after chewing him out for putting people in a situation where they make him shoot them is indicative of just how valuable Raylan is, and clearly David Vasquez sees that too since he helps ensure that Raylan can diffuse the situation calmly. Raylan’s ability to talk is fascinating, drawling on about eating the most delicious chicken in Florida when he himself is from Kentucky. His idea to get the chicken was fantastic, and I loved that scene where the marshal went and said “I’m officially requisitioning this chicken” to the clueless fast food employee. Raylan’s delivery of “You’re going to want a napkin” followed by “two cups aren’t just for me” was pretty terrific as well. It’s great that Boyd got released since he’ll be sure to interact even more with Raylan, and the filming of the scene with the giant shadows of Boyd and Raylan as they’re walking out of the jail was incredible. Winona’s visit from an uninvited house guest was pretty intense, and I’m eager to see what exactly her new husband’s up to and how it’s going to turn out.

In related news, “Justified” has been picked up for a second season! After the remaining five episodes of the first season air, the show will be back next year for another thirteen episodes! I couldn’t be more excited! Also, Walton Goggins, who plays Boyd, has been promoted to series regular!


  1. Yes, I am so incredibly excited for the subplot involving Winona and her husband. He definitely seems like a sketchy character and I can only imagine what Raylan will do once all of that unfolds.

    On another note, I think it was a testament to the show's quality that it can stray from the fast-paced kind of action it has been using and show that it can be just as good in slow-moving situations that test patience. Every week this show impresses me more and more. Never thought I would be able to say that about an FX show.

  2. Great points, but you never thought you'd be able to say that about an FX show? The pacing on "The Shield," the first two seasons of "Nip/Tuck," "The Riches," and "'Thief" has always impressed me. That doesn't diminish this show's quality at all; I'm just not as surprised about it.
