Sunday, May 23, 2010

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 1, Episode 22 “Hybristophilia” (A-)

Without question, this is the strongest episode of this show that I’ve seen yet. I didn’t love it from the start but got to like it as it went on, and as the season is close to culmination next week, it’s getting even better. Starting off with a bonding session between Kalinda and an intoxicated Alicia and then moving to major developments in two different cases made for an entirely enthralling installment. Kalinda insisting that Alicia was coming out drinking with her was a fun start, and things got really interesting when Alicia pointedly asked Kalinda if she’s gay. I enjoyed both Kalinda’s defense of her silence and Alicia’s persistence in forcing her to answer the question. That scene was quickly swept aside when Alicia received a serious phone call (and not a booty call) from Will and had to sober up to deal with a case. The return of Dylan Baker as Colin Sweeney was fantastic, and beginning with him handcuffed to a dead body with blood all over him was an intense start. He was still just as good this time as in his first appearance, but this was considerably more serious, and his casual admission to Alicia that he did in fact kill his wife was chilling. Cary bitterly returning to admonish Alicia for pretending to be a nice person and not even being allowed to stay to take his laptop was a fairly powerful scene, but it was nothing compared to the readiness and eagerness with which he accepted Childs’ job offer and opportunity to take Alicia down. I’m thrilled about the addition of Carrie Preston (“True Blood”) as the new, computer-challenged member of the legal team for Peter. She’s immediately memorable for her hilarity in court and just how unfiltered she is, but what I enjoyed most were her interactions with Alan Cumming’s Eli. He was initially annoyed with her, but later her smiles when he realizes how good she is, and they’re both so fun when they get excited together. The big revelation that Kozko is still alive is a huge one, and that’s quite an evil grin on Peter’s face when he hears the news. Ending the episode on Alicia’s handshake with the new clients Peter introduced her to is a great way to send off this episode and get ready for next week’s season finale.

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