Monday, May 24, 2010

What I’m Watching: Parenthood

Parenthood: Season 1, Episode 12 “Team Braverman” (B+)

The opening scene showcases quite an eruption of anger between the Braverman cousins, the likes of which we haven’t yet seen on this show. The passion and fury with which Amber and Hattie scream at each other and the mass chaos that ensues between their warring mothers is quite intense and dramatic, and exquisitely played by all parties involved. It’s especially interesting to see how Adam handles all of it, and amusing that Crosby’s first thought is to determine who might be the victor if Kristina and Sarah came to blows. This is an intimate and affecting family drama, and it succeeds marvelously in showcasing these kinds of scenarios. Adam’s efforts to unite Team Braverman are also particularly impressive, and Sarah’s admission of defeat is just as moving. The story arc of the walk for autism that the family is doing even though Max isn’t aware that he’s autistic is very intriguing and well-done. It’s not often we get to see Kristina break down and go talk to the doctor for counsel on how, when, and if to break the news to him. It’s also nice to see Julia make a human connection with another parent, after a receipt ends up in the soup she gave to the woman who got a boob job, ultimately resulting in their legitimate bonding over the breakup of a marriage. Zeek’s reaction to the news that his wife has slept with another man is heart-wrenching, as is Camille’s decisive reply to Julia that she doesn’t anticipate that Zeek will soon move back home. Next week is the season finale of this show, and I’m very much looking forward to it.

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