Saturday, May 22, 2010

What I’m Watching: NCIS

NCIS: Season 7, Episode 23 “Patriot Down” (B+)

The first and last episodes of each season of this show tend to be the most exciting, and a two-parter is definitely something that heightens it considerably. Gibbs being stranded in Mexico first with a gun pointed at him and then knocked out and in some unknown villain’s custody makes things quite serious, and it’s certainly going to inspire his team to come and rescue him next episode just like they did in the most recent season premiere for Ziva. Before his exodus to Mexico, Gibbs was definitely showing signs of losing his cool, refusing to talk to Abby about his past and flashing back to memories of his murdered family, and then going so far as to smash someone against the glass in the middle of an interrogation. Hopefully he’ll be able to find some closure once he discovers exactly what’s being done to him. Vance interrogating Margaret was especially satisfying considering how bitterly annoying she is. This episode boasted two fun guest stars – Courtney Ford (“Dexter”) in a very subdued role as this episode’s token victim and Richard Burgi (“24,” “Desperate Housewives”) as the cranky, entitled father. I enjoyed the competition between Ziva and Tony regarding their American identity, and Gibbs testing Tony on the eighth letter of the alphabet (which he failed) was great. The most enjoyable and insightful comment in an otherwise starkly serious episode was Ziva’s observation to Tony that Jews and Italians are similar and both cultures turn to eating when they’re in mourning.

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