Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What I’m Watching: The Office (Season Finale)

The Office: Season 6, Episode 26 “Whistleblower” (B+)

This somewhat uneven season of this show is capped by a fun finale which gives most of the supporting characters at least one memorable scene or line and emphasizes what’s best about this show – the characters. This season has been a lot about the storylines and more about Michael than all of the other cubicle dwellers. Its strongest points were the ones that fully utilized the ensemble, like two-parters “The Delivery” and “Niagara.” This season ender saw Michael ultimately come through and protect all of his employees after he found out that Darryl, Pam, and Kelly were all responsible for the printer leak. In the search for the culprit, it was fun to discover Toby’s novel and Ryan’s social networking startup Woof. Andy suggesting that Jim might have done it immediately Jim tries to stick up for him was very funny. Michael looked so scared as he was driving away in the passenger seat of Jo’s car, and I loved her evil laugh when Michael asked if she was going to kill him. It’s good that they are able to connect and help the company out in the long run. It would be great if Holly returned, though I doubt that could really last. The IT guy’s departure was a bit random, but it provided some entertaining revelations akin to Jordan’s tell-all speech at the end of the second season of “Scrubs.” Dwight buying the building seems tangential at best, but maybe that will lead to something next season. We’ll always have the budding romance between Andy and Erin, who sticks up for her man when everyone else interrupts him in the middle of his speech to the camera about being a hero. I also love the little moments, like the expression on Pam’s face when Jo stamps the article right in the middle of her drawing. This season of the show hasn’t really been as bad as it’s been made out to be, especially in its latter half, and I’m hoping that next year can get off to a strong, fresh start.

Season grade: B/B+
Season MVP: Ellie Kemper


  1. Yes, definitely Ellie Kemper is the season MVP. Erin is so adorable and one can always count on her character for some truthful and funny moments. Although I still love Jenna Fischer as Pam. I loved her when she was the receptionist but she's become funnier since she had the baby. I think the season got stronger toward the end.

  2. I loved the Woof scene, especially when he got the e-mail, IM, fax, text and phone call at the same time. But I'm surprised you didn't mention the scene that led up to that when Kelly gets into the van for the secret meeting with Pam, Michael and Darrel and Pam says that they're not going for yogurt and Michael says that Kelly also whistleblew. I don't know why but I loved that scene and how she then said "of course it was me. I think I tweeted it."
    I also liked your comparison to the finale of the second season of "Scrubs". I was a huge fan of that show too.
