Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What I’m Watching: Parks and Recreation (Season Finale)

Parks and Recreation: Season 2, Episode 24 “Freddy Spaghetti” (B+)

This episode serves as a wonderful way of closing off a spectacular season and paving the way for a new way of doing things next year, presumably continuing to trim the budget and then reestablishing the way the department functions, with both Chris and Ben likely sticking around to see their new plan effectuated. This finale is full of fantastic moments between all of the characters, and I loved them all. Ron defending Leslie’s position when Ben starts talking about firing her was touching, followed by his hilarious fall after he runs to warn Leslie about the auditors coming to break up their concert. Ben paying Freddy Spaghetti more to come back and play at the concert was unexpected and nice, and it was great that Leslie told him to just enjoy providing a service instead of thinking about the next budget cut. Leslie’s attempt to stall was amusing, and I enjoyed the fact that Chris was the only one who clapped his hands when Leslie sang the lyrics. Chris continues to be a great fit for this show, detailing his plan to run to the moon and declaring his intent to ask Ann Perkins (full name every time) out again. I was so excited to see the first admission of chemistry between Andy and April, and then to see April rush to Andy’s side after he ended up in the hospital. It’s a shame that the clueless Andy (“the show must go wrong”) messed it all up by making out with Ann. The most wonderful part of the episode is the bonding between Leslie and Mark, taking us right back to where we were at this time last year. Mark Brandanoquits may be leaving, but at least he and Leslie can still share something. He’s had a good run here, and I think he’s leaving the show in very good hands.

Season grade: A
Season MVP: Aubrey Plaza


  1. Yeah, I need to check this one out as well. Though, once again, I fail to understand how you can give a season an A when none of the individual episodes received one.

  2. I know, I know - I like to curve at the end of the season when I'm in a good mood.
