Monday, July 19, 2010

AFT Awards: Best Lead Actor in a Drama Series

This is the first category of the 4th Annual AFT Television Awards, my personal choices for the best in television this past season. This year, semi-finalists are included to recognize more of the impressive work being done on television today. Nominees are pictured in the order I’ve ranked them.
Best Lead Actor in a Drama Series

Last year’s nominees: Michael Chiklis, Bryan Cranston, Michael C. Hall, Jon Hamm, Denis Leary

Emmy nominees: Kyle Chandler, Bryan Cranston, Matthew Foxx, Michael C. Hall, Jon Hamm, Hugh Laurie

Semi-finalists: None.

Finalists: Charlie Hunnam (Sons of Anarchy) was fantastically unhinged as he waged war on his own club. Denis Leary (Resecue Me) was more self-destructive than ever as he helped his whole family fall off the wagon. Stephen Moyer (True Blood) kept himself together while wearing himself thin with Maenads and deadly vampires all around him. LL Cool J (NCIS: Los Angeles) was hilarious but also remarkably dedicated. Mark Valley (Human Target) became anyone he needed to and was just as effective and entertaining each time.

The nominees:
Jon Hamm (Mad Men) smooth-talked and flirted his way through another year as his wife distanced herself from him and a billionaire took an active interest in him. Michael C. Hall (Dexter) faced off with another serial killer and had to work hard to remind himself that they were different people as he became a father. Peter Krause (Parenthood) was the world’s most supportive dad, but he also had to deal with family issues from another generation in a role almost as good as Nate Fisher. Timothy Olyphant (Justified) took the law into his own hands in a marvelous role that fit him like a glove.

The winner:
Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad) took Walt down a darker path than he’s ever been down, and his seeming indifference to the things he was doing was mesmerizing and chilling.

Next up: Best Lead Actress in a Drama Series


  1. 4/5 with my list, I love Cranston but since I gave him this award last year I chose the also wonderful, Olyphant.

    Didn't saw the Peter Krause nod coming. I personally like him, but the show is not for me, plus it seems way too much like a Brothers & Sisters rip-off.

  2. Matthew Fox not in top ten or even in the "semi-finalists". Ouch.

  3. I'm just not terribly impressed with Fox. He's okay as a lead, but he's never been anywhere near the strongest of the cast.

    And Fabio, "Parenthood" is infinitely better than "Brothers & Sisters."
