Friday, August 6, 2010

AFT Awards: Best Writing for a Comedy Series

This is the sixteenth category of the 4th Annual AFT Television Awards, my personal choices for the best in television this past season. This year, semi-finalists are included to recognize more of the impressive work being done on television today. Nominees are pictured in the order I’ve ranked them.

Best Writing for a Comedy Series

Last year’s nominees: Chuck (Chuck Versus the Colonel), Chuck (Chuck Versus the Ring), Parks and Recreation (Pilot), 30 Rock (The Bubble), 30 Rock (Gavin Volure)

Emmy nominees: Glee (Pilot), Modern Family (Pilot), The Office (Niagara), 30 Rock (Anna Howard Shaw Day), 30 Rock (Lee Marvin vs. Derek Jeter)

Honorable mentions: Better Off Ted (Jabberwocky), Californication (So Here's the Thing...), Californication (Wish You Were Here), Chuck (Chuck Versus Operation Awesome), Modern Family (En Garde), Modern Family (Family Portrait), Modern Family (Fears), The Office (The Delivery), Parks and Recreation (The Practice Date), Parks and Recreation (The Stakeout)

The nominees:

Californication (The Apartment)
Chuck (Chuck Versus the Beard)
Glee (Showmance)
The Office (Niagara)

The intersection of Hank’s many women proved to be dastardly entertaining. Morgan finding out about Chuck’s spy life was a delicate event that was handled with care and style. The second episode of “Glee” was daringly clever and smartly written. The wedding installment of “The Office” was fun and fresh.

The winner:
Modern Family (Pilot)
The season’s best new comedy started off with three different funny families with a wonderful, unexpected surprise at the end: they’re all related.

Next up: Best Ensemble in a Drama Series

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