Sunday, September 12, 2010

What I’m Watching: White Collar (Summer Finale)

White Collar: Season 2, Episode 9 “Point Blank” (B+)

I really need to pay more attention to which episodes are summer or season finales. Part of the problem is these nine-episode half-seasons on USA that would make much more sense as ten-episode arcs. I only realized as the show was wrapping up that this was going to be it for the show until its return in January. Fowler’s not-so-interesting arc has now been closed, and a new villain, played by Paul Blackthorne, has been introduced. Though he only appears in the closing moments, Blackthorne already seems like a force to be reckoned with, especially considering his past work in shows like “24,” “The Dresden Files,” “Monk,” and “Burn Notice” (a very diverse set of parts). The thought of poor Mozzie being shot is a tragic one, and the shot was so quick and quiet that it seems like no one might notice. Yet Mozzie’s direct pipeline to Peter’s cell phone means that the relationship likely goes both ways, and the FBI will try to help Mozzie, though he’ll surely reject any government-sponsored aid even if it’s going to save his life. Neal’s pursuit of Fowler was quite intense and action-packed, and I really liked the stylized music playing when he decided to swing through a window to prepare to shoot Fowler. This show is pure, unadulterated fun with a good deal of panache mixed in, and this season has been solidly great. Much credit is due to the two charismatic leads, but supporting players Willie Garson (Mozzie) and Marsha Thomason (Diana) deserve commendation as well.

Season grade so far: B+
Season MVP: Willie Garson

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