Saturday, October 2, 2010

What I’m Watching: The Big C

The Big C: Season 1, Episode 6 “Taking Lumps” (B+)

I’m impressed that this show has found a way to cleverly use all of its characters, including Marlene, Andrea, and Lenny, to create an unexpectedly strong ensemble. I’d be remiss to leave out the good doctor, portrayed by Reid Scott, who plays along so agreeably with all of Cathy’s shenanigans and truly wants the best for her, encouraging her to open up and tell her husband about her cancer. It’s especially intriguing that, when Marlene decides not to show up to pick up Cathy from her surgery, she calls Lenny, since he’s the one who found her lump, has no real connection to her family life, and has shown nothing but kindness towards her. Unfortunately, her dalliance with Lenny has caused her two major problems: Andrea is now furious at her and is going to take out her anger on the unsuspecting duo of Cathy and Lenny, and Cathy is now actually keeping a secret that’s not right from her husband. The moment when he admits his indiscretion would have been the perfect time for her to come clean, yet hopping atop her high-and-mighty horse will certainly cause her grief in the long run, especially since she still hasn’t revealed her cancer, and will have a much harder time getting that secret out once she wounds him (or Andrea does) by making her affair known. The bathtub race was entertaining, but, as has been the case recently, the most amusing part of the episode was Sean, whose unwillingness to treat his serious injury and appetite for plants and weeds rather than food proved to be very funny.

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