Saturday, October 2, 2010

What I'm Watching: Glee

Glee: Season 2, Episode 2 “Britney/Brittany” (B-)

I'm all for stunt episodes, but when it comes to the writing on this show, I do have to complain for a moment. Having Britney Spears appear in the dreams of all the characters on this show is fine, but linking it to a hallucinogenic dental drug and positing that these characters have collective dreams just becomes silly. I will say that it does work for the show, and there's something I love about seeing Britney and Santana pop their headphones into their ears while listening to Britney as they're sitting in their chairs about to go into dental surgery. As a whole, however, this episode isn't fantastic. I was pleasantly surprised by the awesomeness of John Stamos, both as a boyfriend for Emma and an able rival for Will. I wasn't nearly as taken by Will's reaction to Carl's challenge to live life more freely, and his embarrassing performance with the group wasn't great. Rachel is seemingly increasingly selfish, and there's something about the imbalance of her selfishness and her talent this year that doesn't work; she's quickly becoming detestable. Kurt's insolence was a bit peculiar since it wasn't addressed extensively and isn't entirely common to his personality. It's also a strange occurrence when Sue doesn't even appear until about halfway in, and not necessarily a good one. Back to the Britney stuff, the performance numbers were pretty decent, and the show's cast is certainly capable of working together to create enthralling sequences. It's also always good to shine a spotlight on a less prominently featured character like the hilarious Brittany S. Pierce.


  1. I stopped watching this show around episode six, but I just had to say that you forgot to mention Sue's line about the Democratic convention. I was DVRing "Raising Hope" and "Running Wilde", and I happened to turn on the TV at that exact moment. I laughed big-time (more than I did at either of those other shows, unfortunately). Also loved the line about the vests. Jane Lynch... she's just too good.

  2. What bothered me about this episode is that it didn't have much for non-Britney fans, which I am not (I have hated her music ever since it first hit the airwaves). The episode doesn't offer much character development and this is one time when I found myself agreeing with Will, that songs don't have to be aggressive (also because I love Arthur's theme). You're right about Rachel too. I have always been annoyed by her, and it's becoming even worse this season (just too much). I've said those many times, she needs to keep singing and stop talking (why does there need to be a speech before every one of her songs if the songs are supposed to express what she feels?). I will say that Artie singing Stronger was clever and original (since they did something besides copy the Britney videos on that one) and I saw the playlist for next week's show, which I'm really looking forward to. I have to say, though, I worry about this show and the road it's taking.
