Thursday, November 18, 2010

What I’m Watching: The Big C (Season Finale)

The Big C: Season 1, Episode 13 “Taking the Plunge” (B+)

Saying goodbye to Marlene proves to be a fascinating jumping-off point for the externalization of fears that both Cathy and Paul have. Cathy’s decision to undergo some form of treatment is a major step for her, and Paul’s problems with Cathy being so flip about her mortality are similar to those of the good doctor last week. Adam’s discovery of Cathy’s garage full of presents to him for all of his future birthdays comes as a bit of a surprise to me, considering both that his constant desire for money seemed comic more than anything and that we hadn’t seen the extent of Cathy’s preparations for after her death, save for the change of date on the car she bought for Adam. It was good to see Cathy really speak her mind when confronted by Marlene’s disrespectful family, and it’s extremely nice and creative that she decided to give the house to her homeless brother. Sean has been my favorite character this season, and seeing his reaction to the fact that he’s impregnated someone is quite entertaining. I doubt that Cynthia Nixon will be sticking around full-time next season, although she certainly wouldn’t be a bad addition to the regular cast of the show considering Cathy’s go-to gal is now gone. Additionally, both Lenny (understandably) and Andrea (mysteriously) seem to have disappeared over the past few episodes, so I’m curious if they’ll be back next year (or, more appropriately, next season). This show got off to an uncertain start, but from episode four on, I’ve been hooked, and I’m looking forward to season two.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Laura Linney/John Benjamin Hickey/Phyllis Somerville

*On a semi-related note, Laura Linney was behind me in line at Starbucks in Rockefeller Center last week.


  1. abe,
    why only a B+? I thought this season finale though a bit dry or dull at a few points, did what the Big C is great at: finding just the right mix of somber dramatic reflection and humor as part of reality.
    I think the storage room full of presents was a great ending and it demonstrated that Adam's seemingly cold and emotionless exterior was just his way of dealing with Marlene's death and his attachment to Mia and finding out about his mothers terminal illness.
    Each week this show always manages to surprise me in how real it seems and I would give it an A-.
    Can't wait till the next season.
    P.S. do you know when that will be?

  2. Aaron-
    Thank you for your comment, and I apologize that it wasn't spotted when you first posted it. The reason for the B+ is that it wasn't until episode four that the show really found its groove (for me, at least), and therefore those first few episodes bring down the grade a bit. The second half: A- for sure. I'm looking forward to the next season as well. My guess would be summer 2011 to coincide with "Weeds," but Showtime often delays shows like "Dexter" and "Californication," moving them from summer perches to late fall or early winter.
