Thursday, November 18, 2010

What I’m Watching: Weeds (Season Finale)

Weeds: Season 6, Episode 13 “Theoretical Love Is Not Dead” (B+)

Well, this season has felt extremely frantic and all over the place. It’s hard to believe it’s already come to a close. Fortunately, all of the episodes have been pretty great, and it’s been an entertaining if more bizarre than ever season. Comedy is definitely starting to overtake the dramatic side of the show at this point, but the show has managed to maintain its more serious moments well. Nancy’s escape from Esteban and Guillermo by pointing out that he had her passport was particularly clever, and her execution of Plan C to ensure that she, somehow, can save her own life and presumably ensure/hope that the charges don’t stick so that she can be reunited with Stevie/Avi. Warren’s decision to leave the bag stuffed with money on the plane with Shane was interesting, and I’m truly curious about what’s going to happen with the three Botwin boys in Copenhagen next season. They’re finally in a good financial situation again, thanks to devious civil servant Warren, but the woman in their lives has gone and confessed to a murder she didn’t commit. I really don’t think there’s another show on television right now that’s as wild as this one and manages to get away with it so well. Compared to other seasons of this show, it’s not as good as the first or the third, but a marked improvement over the fifth. There are reports circulating that creator Jenji Kohan plans for season seven to be the show’s last, and I think that makes sense. It’s been fun, but it’s gone on long enough.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Mary-Louise Parker

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