Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What I’m Watching: Sons of Anarchy

Sons of Anarchy: Season 3, Episode 12 “June Wedding” (B+)

It really says something about a show when a hostage situation and a few murders don’t constitute an exceptionally intense installment. That’s not to say that this isn’t a good and powerful hour, of course, since it most certainly is. Most surprising and worrisome is Stahl’s latest questionable act, shooting her own partner and lover in order to dig herself out of the hole she’s dug for herself. Kudos to recurring guest star Ally Walker, who delivers a powerhouse performance in this episode. Gemma truly is a wise and fascinating character, talking so bluntly with Opie and then comforting Unser as he cries in front of her. Jax certainly put his own touch on his rescue effort, kissing Tara after giving her the gun and then stabbing Salazar after assuring him that he wouldn’t kill him. That shot of Jax and Tara looking at the image of their baby on the monitor was the first indication in a while that someone’s actually happy on this show, and Opie’s engagement is a similarly positive development. Now all that’s left is for the club to get Jimmy, but I don’t imagine that will be too simple, and I have a sinking feeling that his likely execution is going to mean very bad things for Jax when it comes to consequences from the unstable and treacherous Stahl. On a lighter note, I did enjoy Juice’s response to the expectation that he spoke Spanish: “I’m a Puerto Rican from Queens. I speak better Yiddish.”

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