Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 2, Episode 8 “On Tap” (B+)

This show really is very good, and it’s awesome to see so many plotlines handled in an episode in such an interestingly juxtaposed fashion. The shot of both Kalinda and Alicia gazing out at the men who makes their lives complicated – in different ways, of course – was just terrifically done. Kalinda’s rivalry with Blake is getting intense and somewhat dangerous, and it’s fascinating to see how Kalinda’s relationship with Cary has evolved to the point that he warns her about her potential complicity in an assault case for which Blake has clearly framed her. Alicia finding out about Will’s voicemail was a great twist, and it’s too bad that his new girlfriend had to be there in the closing scene just as she walked in to speak her mind to him. I loved how Alicia discovered Eli’s voice on the call and then made sure that their next conversation happened in person rather than over the wiretapped phone. The upcoming rift in the firm should seriously shake things up, and I’m interested to see how that plays out. It was good to see Mykelti Williamson, originally best known as Bubba from “Forrest Gump,” in a far more challenging and better role than the one he played recently on “24.” And speaking of the real-time series, it was fun to see Reiko Aylesworth, a.k.a. Michelle Dessler, as the opposing counsel in front of the judge who hilariously insisted on “in my opinion” being stated before any argument was made in court.

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