Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What I’m Watching: No Ordinary Family

No Ordinary Family: Season 1, Episode 11 “No Ordinary Friends” (C-)

What better way to demonstrate that this show is not exciting than by having two guest stars from one of television’s most exciting shows? Though they never appeared on the series at the same time, both Ricky Schroeder and Annie Wersching (who could be confused with the more talented recent “Human Target” guest star Molly Parker) appeared on “24” during its later seasons. Here, they play a husband and wife who just happen to become best friends with the Powells at the same time that Jim comes face to face with one of them in the midst of some big robberies. This small, bubble universe that the Powells live in is becoming so contrived and coincidental. The roles formerly held by George and Katie are devolving into obnoxious stereotypes, and it’s proving less engaging by the episode. I do like that the Watcher has decided that it’s time to take a stand, but his very unsubtle way of broadcasting the termination of his allegiance is surely going to come back to haunt him. I’m somewhat curious, I’ll admit, to see what Katie does now that she’s found the diary, and I would love to see the Watcher incorporated more into the weekly narrative and have the two of them team up to help protect the Powells and take down the villanous Dr. King. Daphne’s shockingly quickly regained memory and JJ’s ability to calculate punches aren’t going to cut it in terms of thrills and intrigue here, so there needs to be a sharper focus elsewhere.


  1. Okay, I think comparing this show to 24 in any shape or form is a huge mistake. This show is way more light-hearted, but I think it's a lot of fun. I'm actually really enjoying Daphne and JJ's stories with the Cotten kids, and I hope they stick around for a while, because they seem like interesting influences for the kids. Maybe not necessarily good influences, but I want to see where that takes them (Troy making JJ punch him just so the grl could be more attracted to him, I chuckled when I heard that). Yes, this show gets very juvenile, but I think one just has to go with it. It's unfair to compare it to anything that resembles the tone of 24 or any of those shows.

    I also really like Katie, and I never tire of her geek moments. Partly because I think Autumn Reeser's comic timing is outstanding, but I also love that they gave her a cliffhanger like that. She's a pleasure to watch, and I'm also really curious to see the emotional reprucussions of finding her best friend's journal was stolen by the firstguy she ever slept with (right after said first time).

  2. I'll admit that I'm picking on the show a bit unfairly at this point. It's just not fulfilling its potential for me, and therefore I'm raising the standards even higher. I do like Autumn Reeser a lot, and I'm glad that her character has something important to do now. I'll make an effort to be kinder on the show in future weeks.
