Thursday, July 14, 2011

Emmy Nominees: Best Lead Actor in a Comedy Series

My predictions: 4/6, picking Rob Lowe and Matthew Morrison over C.K. and Galecki

Well, I guess Rob Lowe submitted in the wrong category. That argument might hold up if the most despicable snub of the day hadn’t occurred in the supporting race, but more on that later. The love for “Glee” subsides a bit as the nomination total for the show drops from 19 to 12, and Morrison is the first casualty, which makes sense. I’m shocked by the inclusion of Louis C.K. (Louie), though I suppose it’s cool that alternative FX programming is being recognized. I do wish I liked the show a bit more than I do. Fans of “The Big Bang Theory” will be thrilled as two of its stars, Johnny Galecki and last year’s winner Jim Parsons, get recognized, and the show finally makes a bid for Best Comedy Series. “Episodes” didn’t make too big a splash, but I’m glad that Matt LeBlanc got recognized for his self-mocking portrayal. And then we have our perennial nominees, Steve Carell (The Office) and Alec Baldwin (30 Rock).

Who should win? Carell
Who will win? Carell shouldn’t have much trouble with these competitors.

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