Thursday, July 14, 2011

Emmy Nominees: Best Lead Actress in a Comedy Series

My predictions: 4/6, picking Toni Collette and Lea Michele over McCarthy and Plimpton

If a show or player is no longer entirely relevant, replace them with someone from one of the precious few freshman comedy series that actually succeeded this year! If your show got cancelled (Collette) or you didn’t actually have a lead role (Michele), you’re out. Co-announcer Melissa McCarthy (Mike & Molly) nearly hyperventilated when Joshua Jackson revealed her inclusion, and it’s good that the hard-working character actress got recognized, even if it’s for a lackluster role. Put Martha Plimpton (Raising Hope) in the same exact category, even though I realize I’m in the minority in not liking her show. The other newcomer is Laura Linney (The Big C), who pretty much has this in the bag. Amy Poehler (Parks and Recreation) is back as voters offer pretty much the most lukewarm welcome to the Best Comedy Series field ever, featuring just those two nods and a Sound Mixing mention. Last year’s winner Edie Falco (Nurse Jackie) returns as well, as does perennial nominee Tina Fey (30 Rock).

Who should win? Linney or Poehler
Who will win? Linney will take this.

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