Sunday, July 31, 2011

What I’m Watching: Burn Notice

Burn Notice: Season 5, Episode 6 “Enemy of My Enemy” (B+)

I’m continually impressed by how Michael and his team keep setting up situations to frame other people and draw out the criminal activities going on so that either they or the CIA can snatch them up and resolve the situation. Having Sam get Carmelo to go after the Serbians while Jesse convinces the Serbians that the need to go after Carmelo was very smart, and entirely well-executed, with some superb improvisation from Sam. Todd Stashwick was back as Carmelo, and he’s a great choice to play the temperamental drug kingpin. It’s nice that, especially after all the grief Fiona gave him for endangering Sam’s life, that Michael went in as himself and put himself in jeopardy to save Sam, albeit with some help from a trigger-happy Fiona and Jesse. I liked Jesse’s comment about not being able to watch nature documentaries where a snake eats another snake, a genre which Fiona apparently loves. Sam saying that there was lots of yogurt in the Serb’s apartment was brilliant, and I like how that humor gets inserted into even the most serious situations. The incorporation of CIA agents Manaro and Bailey was a fun reference to the Sam-centric TV movie. It was fun to see Madeleine and Fiona putting on an act for the clerk in order to get access to the database of driver’s licenses. It’s interesting to learn that driver’s licenses are far more accurate at recognizing faces than facial recognition software, which may or may not be true. Now that he knows who his impersonator is, hopefully he won’t get himself into an even bigger world of hurt.

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