Sunday, July 31, 2011

What I’m Watching: Wilfred

Wilfred: Season 1, Episode 6 “Conscience” (B+)

It’s weird to think of Wilfred and Ryan being in league together, both trying to achieve the same goal, but that’s part of what makes this episode so fun. It’s a big surprise to see Drew able to control Wilfred, and Ryan’s fascination with that fact, and his subsequent hitting of Wilfred later in the episode, is stirring to see since Wilfred really does control Wilfred’s life, as he points out when he asks Ryan why he does everything he says just like Wilfred does with Drew. I enjoyed Wilfred’s ability to predict Drew’s behavior and signature lines, and it was a blast to see Ryan egg Drew on to play with table tennis with him and draw out his competitive side. Of course, it’s the heart that Ryan has, and the conscience, that makes this show endearing, and therefore he feels entirely compelled to right the wrong that he has done in breaking up Drew and Jenna. Wilfred’s efforts to poison Ryan with chocolate and raisins were rather hilarious, as were his uber-serious phone calls to intimidate his easily fooled neighbor. Ryan’s gullibility, coupled with Wilfred’s aggressive desire to deceive, is what makes this show so immensely watchable on a weekly basis, and Wilfred’s behavior never gets old, thanks mostly to Ryan’s appalled, heartbroken reaction every single time. Other great moments from the episode were Wilfred’s promise to Ryan that his death would be his holiday, and Wilfred’s response to finding the easy bake oven that clearly belonged to Ryan and not to his sister.

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