Friday, July 29, 2011

What I’m Watching: Franklin & Bash

Franklin & Bash: Season 1, Episode 9 “Bachelor Party” (C)

I’m giving this episode a slightly hirer grade than the past few installments because it’s just as entertaining and decidedly a bit more logical. That’s presuming that a man would come to his fiancée’s ex-boyfriend to be his lawyer after getting caught with a prostitute and that a teacher might unknowingly sleep with a high school student, but allowing such liberties has always been necessary for this show. James Van Der Beek was fun as Janie’s fiancée, and I liked that he was a nice guy who took a liking to Peter. I was amused by Peter’s discovery that they hadn’t had sex in the last six months, and even more impressed by how he used it in her defense. Peter asking Janie questions because he’s never before had her under oath was great, and I’m glad to see that they’re at least partially back on good terms even if she’s probably still getting married. I enjoyed Jared’s connection to the teacher because he was a troublemaking alum of the school, and I was pleased to see John de Lancie, recently seen on “Breaking Bad,” as the headmaster of the school. Realizing that the student plagiarized a Skinemax episode and manipulating the committee into believing that the other person in the room with whom the student had had sex was on the committee rather than bartender were both clever tactics that only this show would use. Karp’s profile was an okay subplot, and I’m much more intrigued by what’s going to become of this story about finding an old colleague of Infeld’s in the mountains.

Expect plenty of ridiculousness in the future, by the way, since this show has officially been renewed for a second season!

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