Friday, July 29, 2011

What I’m Watching: Royal Pains

Royal Pains: Season 3, Episode 5 “A Man Called Grandpa” (B+)

This episode opened on a more frantic note than usual as Jill was pulled out of her car crash and brought to the hospital while the boys frantically searched for Shaw. Of course, both were quickly recovered and stabilized, and, despite a few concerns throughout the episode, were both given a clean bill of health by episode’s end, as well as a new direction for their lives. It was rather touching that Eddie put in the effort to bring Shaw’s daughter to his bedside. It’s intriguing to discover the reason for Eddie not having spoken to his father after so many years, and I’m glad that Evan was the one that was able to help them reconcile. Evan and Teddy seem to have a lot in common, and I liked the fact that they bonded over a shared knowledge of Irvin Kershner. Jill’s frustration with her family and with the tube showed a more aggressive, impatient side of Jill not usually seen, and I’m glad that she’s okay but will still need to stay with someone who can keep an eye on her, thus presenting the perfect opportunity for her to stay at the HankMed residence and not go gallivanting off anytime soon. I’m intrigued that Boris is looking into who hit Jill, and the arrival of all of those cars at the mansion was rather ominous. In more exciting news, I’m thrilled that Hank has encouraged Evan to propose to Paige, and I only hope she says yes without any hesitation.

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