Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What I’m Watching: Treme (Season Finale)

Treme: Season 2, Episode 11 “Do Watcha Wanna” (B+)

I half-expected an episode similar to last season’s finale, involving another flashback to pre-Katrina New Orleans. But this show has developed itself now to the point where it can stand on its own, and its characters have stories that are continuing and actively happening, so more than enough content can be included in this double-decker of a season ender. Antoine getting voicemail after voicemail was a hilarious way to start the episode off, with nothing else needed before the opening credits. I’m glad to see Janette back in town to help Jacques, at the same time contemplating whether she should return to New Orleans full-time with her latest job offer. After bouncing around New York all season, I’m pleased to see her considering a permanent move, though her tryst with Jacques definitely makes things more interesting. It’s nice to see Sonny actually doing okay for himself for a change, out on the ocean with his crush’s father, experiencing an unusually calm and peaceful moment. No one else has much luck, of course, as their arcs reach relative closes. Colson and Toni have come to a point where they no longer get along easily due to their work-related interactions, and Colson has to go straight to an FBI agent because he can’t trust anyone at the station. Nelson’s deals have completely fallen apart, and he might even end up in his jail for his overconfident intentions. Thomas getting indicted is only tangentially relevant, but to more characters than one as it also influences Sofia. Ladonna spotting her rapist was fairly shocking, and she definitely tried to exert her revenge after getting him arrested. The most promising development is her husband’s acceptance of her return to from, promising that they’ll move back to New Orleans. Davis’ guy getting signed without him is a shame, but he delivered one hell of a formidable last hurrah. It’s also great that Albert’s recording worked out so unexpectedly well. The episode’s final note, “Sorry for the dead air, but that one got me,” was a great way to send out this terrific season that feels like it flew by far too fast. The show was renewed for a third season back in May, so fortunately we’ll have more of this great show to look forward to sometime next year.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: If I had to pick, Lucia Micarelli as Annie or Jon Seda as Nelson Hidalgo

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