Friday, September 30, 2011

Take Three: Ringer

Ringer: Season 1, Episode 3 “If You Ever Want a French Lesson” (C+)

This show still hasn’t captured my attention too much, mainly because it’s continually far too easy for Bridget not to arouse any suspicion about her identity while she keeps learning new things about which she was completely unaware, like the fact that Siobhan had met with a divorce attorney. I’ll admit that calling Machado to meet publicly with him while she was being chased for the phone was somewhat smart, but it seemed so ill-advised for her to not even wait until he was out of earshot to threaten her pursuer. I’m most uncertain about why she’s still pretending to be pregnant, since Andrew is going to be devastated once he finds out. That could have easily been avoided back in episode one by clarifying, and of course I forgot that her non-pregnancy means that the real Siobhan is actually pregnant, which took a toll on her date in France, resulting in a different finish than the one I had thought would occur, in which Siobhan would have used him for some devilish reason. Henry’s finances are hardly an interesting topic to dwell on, and I could say the same for Malcolm, who is currently being tortured by forced drug injection. For this show to work and to last a decent amount of time, Bridget can’t be ousted for her new life style anytime soon, which means that Macawi can’t find anytime in the near future. It might be a good idea for the show to try focusing a bit more on Siobhan, since she’s arguably a much more intriguing character.

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