Friday, September 30, 2011

What I’m Watching: Glee

Glee: Season 3, Episode 2 “I Am Unicorn” (C+)

This is an entertaining hour, but there are some serious storyline shortcuts that allow it to be as it is. Idina Menzel’s return allows for some great singing, but having Sugar Motta’s father contract her to be the coach of a rival glee club just so that she could be a member is a bit far-fetched, though it is in line with past actions taken by the very easily manipulated Figgins. Quinn’s entire plotline seems to have fizzled in less than two episodes, as she stars in Sue’s video and then almost immediately realizes that Shelby’s return means that she can actually spend some time with her child, prompting her to return to glee club and take dance lessons. Brittany’s decision to volunteer to be Kurt’s campaign manager, focused on him being a unicorn, is random as can be, and it’s no surprise that her dedication to him proved fickle when she opted to start her own campaign. His concern with not being perceived as manly enough is somewhat valid, though I’ve definitely seen very obviously gay Tonys in productions of “West Side Story” before. Giving Artie an unexpected leadership role and pairing him with Bieste and Emma creates a new and rather eccentric team, though I do take issue with their audible laughter during Kurt’s audition, something which seems both insensitive and unprofessional. Rachel delivered a great dance number, but there’s no comparing anyone to Blaine, who rocked his “Something’s Coming” solo, all but guaranteeing him the role of Tony, which is sure to upset Kurt and prompt some fighting, though there’s no debating that Blaine would be excellent in the part.


  1. Actually, Quinn's plot has not fizzled out, she just lost the hair and the nose ring, but remember the last thing she said? She's only doing this because she wants custody of Beth. She wants to get that baby back at all costs, and that's where they're taking that plot. I'm intrigued, I really want to see that battle. I also love that Shelby's back, as I love the combination of her voice with Rachel.

    Also, yes, laughing at someone is unprofessional but it's not like they did it on purpose. No one can imagine Kurt doing a scene as a macho man, and the judges and Rachel controlled their laughter as long as they could before they exploded. It may be unprofessional, but this is a TV show with flawed characters, and I'm pretty sure people laugh at inappropriate times all the time (I don't think it should be a mark against the episode, in fact, I think it made for a very good dramatic scene). I also like the set-up for the possible break-up of Blaine and Kurt.

    So far this season, the only thing I dislike is Sugar Matta, a girl who diagnosed herself with Asperger's without even knowing the first thing about Asperger's (and using it as an excuse to say whatever she wants). The character is just annoying and she can't sing (and the whole self-diagnosis thing is just not funny). I hope they axe her quickly, because I can not stand that character.

  2. Good point on the first two, and I do agree with you on the third as well. It definitely seems to be an improvement over last season, but I've sort of lost interest to a degree, focusing my energy and excitement at the moment on other shows.

  3. I guess that's understandable, given the mess of a second season we got, but for some reason I find it difficult not to get excited for each new episode, mostly because through all its issues, there is something at the core of Glee that keeps me coming back and wanting more. I guess it has to do with the fact that I've always felt like an outcast (and I love music) but this show speaks to me. It's not perfect, but I still love it!
