Monday, September 5, 2011

What I’m Watching: Burn Notice

Burn Notice: Season 5, Episode 11 “Better Halves” (B+)

This episode provides a whole lot of fun parallels between the death merchant’s wife and Fiona. While Michael isn’t building weapons of mass destruction designed specifically to kill people, he doesn’t seem to value her nearly enough, and having a fun vacation on the CIA’s dime doesn’t exactly cut it. Seeing how quickly Nicki is ready to turn on her husband is rather formidable, but he does deserve it because he’s truly a jerk, not to mention a decently horrible human being. There’s no arguing that Michael and Fiona make a terrific team, examining a room with a spin while dancing and then both guessing correctly by identifying the couple and their bodyguards. Michael asking Fiona about ruining her $2000 dress to make a getaway was highly amusing, and their entire cover was a blast. I love that Michael was able to find Fiona because he knew that she would want to go down guns blazing, and seeing them work together is just great. Back at home, Jesse and Sam make a strong team as well, and even managed to do fine when they both got surprised. I’m glad Sam delayed the meeting and made it so that Tavian couldn’t leave, but sadly, it’s not going to make much of a difference given the predicament in which Michael has found himself. He’s going to have a hard time talking himself out of Agent Pearce’s clutches now that she’s decided that he’s guilty and she’s been wrong to trust him all along. Next week marks the summer finale, so I’m sure it will be plenty intense.

1 comment:

  1. Burn Notice is extremely high quality show. I never miss any episode of this show. I watch it online. Its story and characters is amazingly brilliant.
