Monday, September 5, 2011

What I’m Watching: Damages

Damages: Season 4, Episode 8 “The War Will Go On Forever” (B+)

I love it when things come together, especially on a show like this that delays gratification for so long. Watching Ellen and Patty depose Howard and bombard him with questions that he can’t answer just to see how he reacts was absolutely terrific and so satisfying. I liked Patty’s perspective on the situation: “We don’t have to win now, we just want to keep playing.” Ellen takes the cake, however, for ensuring that Howard’s smile was noted while he was saying “There will always be war, my services will be always be needed.” Patty did a great job getting the deposition ordered by completing destroying her opposing counsel’s argument that Dust Devil was both trivial and crucial. Jerry seemed to be breaking down as his French contact turned on him and then came to his home brandishing a gun, but sadly for her, she ended up packed rather neatly into a suitcase. What’s more than a little worrisome is the fact that Howard has tasked his people with staging an execution video in which Chris will be the unfortunate star. The interposition of Jerry calling Patty to serve Howard up on a platter, Howard celebrating his wife’s life with his kids, and Chris being abducted was perfectly chilling. Things aren’t looking good for Chris, and not so good for the ever-temperamental relationship between Patty and Ellen, as we learn that we’re only one week away from Ellen telling Patty not to mess with her while someone’s life hangs in the balance.

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