Friday, September 16, 2011

What I’m Watching: The Closer (Mid-Season Finale)

The Closer: Season 7, Episode 10 “Fresh Pursuit” (B+)

This show really knows how to open and close its seasons, or in this case, close the summer since the show’s seventh season technically extends until the end of next summer, when the show will officially end. This finale juxtaposes the trying of Brenda’s case with the murder of a deputy sheriff and a rather extensive and dangerous car smuggling ring. Having a suspect brandish a gun in the interrogation room nearly got Brenda killed, but Buzz fortunately noticed and saved the day, even if Kyle still killed himself, which was rather traumatizing for those around. Gabriel made a good point when he told Provenza that new procedures might be worthwhile if guns are getting into the police station on suspects, and Brenda certainly doesn’t need any more bad luck. The car pursuit over the bridge with Tau and Sanchez in one car, Flynn and Provenza in another, and Fritz is a third, was appropriately thrilling and helped to imbue this episode with a bit of exciting action. The resolution of the case seemed rather clean, with Brenda receiving a disciplinary scold from the judge, but that was far too simple. Peter Goldman does seem dead set on ruining Brenda’s career, and her question about whether she’s done something to personally offend him made sense. Now things are far worse than they were before, and I imagine that the final eleven episodes of this show will deal extensively with Brenda trying desperately to hold on to her job while her career is being tarnished. It should make for great television. The 99th episode airs on November 28th.

Season grade so far: B+
Season MVP: Kyra Sedgwick

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