Friday, September 16, 2011

What I’m Watching: Weeds

Weeds: Season 7, Episode 11 “Une Mère Que J’aimerais Baiser” (B+)

In some respects, this episode was a whole lot less of a mess than it could have been, mostly because Silas’ life and livelihood were never actually in any danger. But at the same time, it’s infinitely worse than that, since Silas is truly determined to go rogue now that it’s abundantly clear that his mother doesn’t respect him as a businessman. Getting Emma arrested is a good move for the Botwin clan, but Nancy’s refusal to even try to see it from Silas’ perspective is what’s going to get her into the most trouble. It’s not as if Silas is smart enough to make a go of it on his own, but rather that he can most certainly make trouble for Nancy and her business, especially considering he’s taken the database. Nancy may have just made herself enough of a profit in one insanely productive weekend, as she managed to cleverly repackage MILF as a high-end brand of luxury pot for people who like to show that they have lots of money. The return of Andy’s Bill Sussman alter ego was a pleasure, even if Nancy wasn’t as pleased with his behavior. I was entertained to recognize Kevin Symons, familiar to me as the ever-philandering Councilman Dexhart on “Parks & Recreation,” as Fisher. Shane going along on the bust was fun, though I’m more than a bit worried that Emma overhearing his last name is going to cause further problems for the Botwin clan, even if Silas has disowned his family.

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