Thursday, October 6, 2011

Round Two: Terra Nova

Terra Nova: Season 1, Episode 2 “Instinct” (B+)

I’m thrilled to report that the second standalone installment of this show is quite exciting and enthralling. It’s definitely not going the way of “Falling Skies,” emphasizing action and interaction with the foreign species over human drama. The presence of love interests for the elder Shannon children during the invasion of the flying dinosaurs is just something that happens rather than an entire plot point that takes up screen time. I realize that some may take issue with the fact that the show may end up being a procedural of sorts, with some different, mysterious dinosaur species plaguing the residents of Terra Nova each week. I think that’s a fine setup for now, and there’s no shortage of topics to be covered. Also, dinosaurs are pretty exciting, and even bat-like ones are cool. I like that Taylor and Jim are the ones to go out on an expedition all by themselves to lead the attacking vultures from the colony, since it’s nice to have truly fearless leaders that aren’t afraid to put themselves directly in harm’s way for the benefit of their community. Jim managed to be rather direct and forceful in telling the scientist would-be-suitor that his wife is most certainly off-limits, and calling him out on the fact that he definitely didn’t expect Jim to be there as well. I’m pleased that this show could well work, and I’ll be eager to learn more about the history of Terra Nova and the Sixers in addition to whatever dinosaur species we may next encounter.

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