Thursday, October 6, 2011

Take Three: 2 Broke Girls

2 Broke Girls: Season 1, Episode 3 “And Strokes of Goodwill” (B)

This third installment isn’t quite as affirming or funny as the ones that came before it, but I don’t think that’s a huge problem since the show still remains highly watchable and generally fun-spirited. The notion of Caroline going to shop at Goodwill is humorous enough in itself, and its actual playing out on screen isn’t quite as hilarious as one might hope. Catherine trying to bargain with the Goodwill cashier and expressing shock at the low prices were probably the highlights, and the running joke about the stolen shirt worked decently. “I didn’t turn my back on the rack, why am I under attack” was the funniest and most memorable line of the bunch. The Facebook jokes near the beginning are a bit silly and overdone, but I did enjoy Max’s excitement at being able to hide everything in her apron. It’s sweet that Max walks Chestnut every day, and her doing Chestnut’s voice talking about Caroline was fairly amusing. Caroline’s sentiment that she always had things done for her contrasts nicely with Max’s history of always having done stuff for herself, and they are shaping up to be quite an effective pair. Caroline spilling borscht on the girl who stole her shirt was a nice move, and it’s reassuring to see them looking out for each other. I’d still like to stick with this show, but I do feel like it may run out of steam relatively soon, though I see no reason to stop watching quite yet, especially since this show just got a full-season order as of yesterday.

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