Friday, October 7, 2011

What I’m Watching: Glee

Glee: Season 3, Episode 3 “Asian F” (B-)

This episode featured some intense spotlights on some usually under-featured characters, and there’s something exciting and worthwhile about it. However, it’s not an entirely even episode, and definitely one that worked better in pieces than it did as a whole. Mercedes’ attitude, at times, is just as uppity and obnoxious as Rachel’s, and therefore I’m hardly inclined to side with her over the de facto star, preferring instead a fresh choice in the vein of Blaine or Mike for that part. Having her join Shelby’s rival group makes sense, since that glee club is going to need some steam before it peters out eventually. I’m happy that Mike’s Asian F inspired him to try out for an untraditional part with a somewhat different rendition of “Cool.” The presidential election is getting increasingly complicated, and I highly doubt that Rachel’s going to come anywhere close to winning, making her run against Kurt entirely inconsequential, but after Brittany’s dance performance, it seems like she’s at the head of the pack. Seeing more of Will’s personal life isn’t all that interesting, though I’m glad that he’s going better than his previous partner with Emma, who has some pretty nutty parents who seem to be ginger supremacists. The “Fix You” montage of the progress of their relationship was rather touching, if a bit corny, and a nice reminder about the long time it took for this romance to actually get off the ground and turn into something real that, against all odds, seems to be working.

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