Friday, October 7, 2011

What I’m Watching: Ringer

Ringer: Season 1, Episode 4 “It’s Gonna Kill Me, But I’ll Do It” (C+)

This show could hardly keep going if one of its main supporting characters found out Bridget’s secret at the start of the fourth episode. It seems that kind of reveal is best saved for the end of the fourth hour, and instead we get a semi-scary and very blue version of Siobhan appearing in Bridget’s opening dream. Andrew does seem to be warming to the idea of this new Siobhan more and more every second, and that means that Henry’s unnecessary loud conversation about her having his baby comes at an extremely unfortunate time. Gemma was pretty furious, and Bridget telling her the truth, especially after Machado conveniently revealed Bridget’s existence to her, may actually work in her favor since she could really use a friend besides the entirely absent Malcolm. The flashbacks to previous birthdays and to the real Siobhan’s affair with Henry one year earlier are helpful in painting a picture of the relationship between the sisters. It turns out that my suspicions about Siobhan’s motives in Paris with her new gentleman friend were entirely correct; it’s only that she didn’t realize she was pregnant and that’s what got in the way of her progress last time. What doesn’t quite make sense to me is that she seemed genuinely worried that she might be booted from the hotel, especially because her account was drained by her sister, but whoever she’s in touch with could likely have fronted her the money. Either way, whatever her plan is seems to be working, and we’ll see how long it is before she takes revenge on the husband who thinks he’s falling back in love with her.

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