Friday, October 7, 2011

Take Three: New Girl

New Girl: Season 1, Episode 3 “Wedding” (B-)

This episode ranks as the most enjoyable thus far, but this show still hasn’t quite gotten it right yet. Going to a wedding is a familiar plotline that usually produces a decent amount of hilarity, and while they were sparing laughs to be found in this half-hour, it was generally amusing and endearing enough. It’s refreshing to see that Winston can be energetic, even if his first plotline involves a dance-off with a young child, which isn’t all too impressive. Schmidt’s concern about getting the right girl is decently entertaining, and his character seems destined to fail in all of his female-related quests, mainly due to his impossible cockiness. Jess threatening his dream girl with a knife in the bathroom probably didn’t help matters either. Jess did a good job as Nick’s date, playing the part to extraordinary dramatic effect, and it’s nice to see her trying to burst out of the bubble that everyone wants to put her in, determined to be as weird as she wants to be. Trying to sound out Caroline’s new incorrectly multiple times was probably the funniest part of the episode, though the slow dancing at the episode was slightly smile-inducing as well. Learning that Caroline has a boyfriend is unfortunate, and Nick’s breakdown wasn’t all that pretty to see. But what continues to define this show is the way that its characters all come together and support each other when they most need it, slow dancing like idiots because that’s just what they feel like doing.

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