Thursday, October 13, 2011

Take Three: Terra Nova

Terra Nova: Season 1, Episode 4 “What Remains” (C+)

I’m hardly ready to throw in the towel just yet, but it’s hard to argue that this episode is anywhere near as good as previous installments. The setup of a memory-erasing condition that takes people back in their lives to an earlier time is definitely interesting, but the execution is hardly impressive. Elizabeth conveniently reverting to a time when she was dating Malcolm felt all too convenient, and Taylor’s Somalia-inspired attempted killing spree was a bit forced as well. Jim getting a cold was obviously the reason that he was immune to the memory regression, and suspecting the root just wasted ten minutes. I do think that a good lengthy kiss is necessary every once in a while to help spread a virus, and there’s plenty of romance to be found in this hour. Both appropriately-aged children have romances progressing nicely, as Mark continues his courtship of Maddy and devotes extra resources to ensuring that her family is protected. Josh’s relationship developments are taking a more dangerous turn, as an impossibly understanding Skye offers to help him get Cara to Terra Nova. What’s most problematic, and exciting, about this is that her contact just happens to be a good friend off the Sixers, and happily suggests using his status as Jim’s son to achieve some malicious endgame that is yet to be revealed. Who knew that teenage romance could be so productive in helping to propel a show’s plot forward? Both Jim and Taylor are both definitely not going to be happy about this.

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