Thursday, October 13, 2011

What I’m Watching: 2 Broke Girls

2 Broke Girls: Season 1, Episode 4 “And the Rich People Problems” (B+)

This episode brought back the funny with an amusing trip back to Caroline’s mega-apartment to retrieve her bite guard. The main reason that this show works is that Kat Dennings’ Max is never at a loss for quips to say no matter what anyone throws at her. She starts off with a line like “Giving hipsters a microphone is like throwing water on a pretentious fire,” barrels through her legitimized “OMG”s prompted by the glamour of Caroline’s apartment, and doesn’t let up until the credits roll. It’s hard not to find Dennings endearing, especially with her terrible attitude that includes trying to stop Han from having anyone at the diner do karaoke or open-mic night. The visit to the dentist’s office in the subway with bulletproof class with a bullet in it was funny, and I’m glad it motivated them to go raid Caroline’s apartment. Caroline’s shoe rotisserie was rather impressive, and the bathroom wasn’t bad either. Taking the subway back with all of their plunderings was amusing and the kind of thing that would only really happen on this show. What’s sweet is that this show does have a sentimental edge that displays itself on occasion, most evident in this episode when Max suggests that they use the money they got with to go to the sushi place she used to go with her dad, emphasized as even more meaningful when her dad calls and speaks to Max before hanging up without even saying goodbye to his own daughter.

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