Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What I’m Watching: Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire: Season 2, Episode 5 “Gimcrack & Bunkum” (B+)

Memorial Day makes a powerful backdrop for this episode and its rather dramatic and violent events. Nucky calling Jimmy up during his speech and telling him he doesn’t think he even knows the rules produced a surprising effect, as Jimmy delivered an unexpectedly moving speech that pissed Nucky off considerably. Dealing with the commodore’s problems is no picnic, and getting hit in the face with a cane can’t feel good. Scalping is a rather terrifying revenge, however, so I have no doubt that Jimmy was able to make his point. It’s good for Richard to get back to work too after his near-suicide and his encounter in the woods. Eli’s visit to Nucky’s house could have ended well if Nucky was capable of some compassion, accepting his regret and tears as enough of an apology rather than demanding that he gets down on his knees. though Eli has much bigger problems to deal with now that he’s accidentally murdered O’Neil and gone to town on his face after the accidental deed. Nucky was rather harsh to Margaret and didn’t even bother to thank her for saving his life, simply yelling at her for not checking the safety. A quick peek into the lives of the help reveals that Katy did in fact contact Margaret’s family and they wanted nothing to do with her, and that Owen is proving to be a bad influence on at least one of the servants, potentially creating an eventual rival for power within this particular empire.

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