Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What I’m Watching: Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives: Season 8, Episode 5 “The Art of Making Art” (C+)

Our familiar comic beginnings lead to especially dramatic endings in this unspectacular hour, which introduces some surprising developments that aren’t all entirely thrilling. Gaby’s new role as PTA president was about as painful as I expected, with her being stupid and audacious enough to presume that the other mothers were jealous of her and would be satisfied with a spa day on her. The emergence of Carlos’ alcoholism reared its ugly head quite fast, and resolving the PTA crisis immediately and presenting a much bigger problem in its place. Lynette’s foray into dating actually went pretty well despite some early hiccups including a run-in with her sons’ friend, but her affection for Tom and her former married life seem to be getting in the way. Given that it’s the show’s final season, I think they’ll probably end up getting back together in the end. Susan’s inability to take painting a nude model seriously was rather childish, especially since she was the only one who couldn’t keep it together, and her showing up nude was considerably over-the-top. The same goes for Bree’s desire to turn cooking for the homeless into a gourmet opportunity, to the point where it attracted diners with laptops and scared the homeless people away. Ben was smart in enlisting Bree to champion his project; it’s just a shame that she was essentially digging her own grave by pushing the low-income housing project through that is sure to unearth the deadly deed she and her friends so desperately want to keep hidden.

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