Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 3, Episode 5 “Colin Sweeney Agonistes” (B+)

The return of Dylan Baker in his Emmy-nominated role as Dylan Baker is certainly a delight, and that’s hardly even the most compelling element of this episode. Celeste is popping up quite a lot lately, now fully on the same side as Lockhart Gardner as she and Diane are jointly trying a case in which their whistleblower commits suicide and needs to testify from beyond the grave. Colin’s strong desire to help Alicia is peculiar but appealing, and it’s not many people who could figure out a way to get a skinhead to admit to a murder without getting themselves killed, resulting in his release from prison in exchange for testimony. Cary and Imani are proving to be proper partners, making small talk while pretending to go run something by Peter. Interestingly enough, it turns out that Peter wanted to be a bit more cutthroat, forcing him to wear a wire if they wanted the deal approved. Eli’s desperate efforts to get Peter the coveted keynote speech put him dangerously close to discovering the fact that Kalinda wants nothing to do with Peter, and I hope he won’t unearth that particularly troubling truth. The most powerful plotline of the hour was Alicia’s hiring process, in which David rather unsubtly told her that he wanted his niece to get the job and then undermined her by having Caitlin hired without telling her. Anna Camp should prove a solid addition to the cast, but I’m much more worried about the revelation that Alicia was a Caitlin in her situation, and Will voted for her and got her the job by cashing in a favor.

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