Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What I’m Watching: Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives: Season 8, Episode 3 “Watch While I Revise the World” (B-)

This episode wasn’t bad or uninteresting, but not all that much is accomplished in the body of this installment. Recapping the history of Carlos and Susan’s relationship was mildly amusing, and I’ll admit that Carlos’ efforts to commit a crime so that he could help with community service had me smiling. Mike was not pleased when he thought his suspicions were confirmed, but it looks like the truth, in this case, is even worse, given how he appears to have reacted when she and Carlos explained the situation. Sarah Paulson’s return as Lynette’s sister Lydia gave Lynette a chance to take a look at herself and realize that she doesn’t think she can change, even if she is capable of rectifying Lydia’s relationship with Rashi. Lee asking Renee to take his daughter bra shopping spurred predictable results, the most enjoyable part of which was her explanation that fractions can be useful for determining pre-nup splits. Gaby barely had anything to do in this hour other than to comically stalk Bree and try to get her hands on that envelope, which turned out to have rather unexpected contents. Bree’s ability to get men to propose is astonishing, though she usually says yes when guys pop the question, and rarely are the men as clever as Chuck was to take a picture of her hand. He took her rejection rather poorly, telling her that she made a very big mistake and that she shouldn’t call him when she’s inevitably in trouble, which, like him, I believe is going to happen pretty soon.

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