Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 3, Episode 3 “Get a Room” (B+)

This episode was one in-depth hour, as Will and Alicia spent the weekend in a hotel room with a bunch of other lawyers trying to resolve a case with a frustrated mediator and a cutthroat attorney on the other side trying to concede as little as she possibly could. I was delighted to see Isiah Whitlock Jr. from “Cedar Rapids” as the mediator and Lisa Edelstein from “House” in a juicy role as Will’s ex-girlfriend Celeste. Will’s efforts to get reporter Gretchen to hold off on running her story were decently impressive, and having Alicia agree to play the part of the jealous, spurned lover for Celeste was an especially effective tactic. Will certainly didn’t mind gloating, telling her that he won, so she has to listen, but Alicia got her own talking-to from Ira as he told her that they got their settlement because they played the other side and they played him. I was pleased to see Owen again, reacting in a befuddled manner to Grace’s tutor, Zach’s news about Peter, Jackie’s surprise visit in the middle of his date, and Alicia not wanting to spill the beans about her relationship with Will. Eli’s case with the Wisconsin State Dairy Guild was rather entertaining, mainly due to the way in which he clashed with Diane, doing spin control instead of giving legal advice. Getting painted as a cutthroat lawyer and becoming the story was fitting karma. Kalinda pulled in both directions is making everyone else crazy, but she seems to be doing just fine with it.


  1. I especially loved that slight, but potent, moment between Cary and Kalinda. I hope the writers aren't just teasing us and that the implications of that and that relationship/friendship will be examined.

    Is it just me, or do the first three episodes feel frighteningly calm? I keep expecting something of stratospheric craziness to happen.

  2. I forgot to mention that - I really liked that scene too! You have a point, yes, but I think there's enough going on that the show might not need to get crazier.
