Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What I’m Watching: Dexter

Dexter: Season 6, Episode 2 “Once Upon a Time…” (B+)

This episode provides us a clearer sense of where we’re headed this season, with a bit more focus on Professor Gellar and Travis, without explaining too much yet about who they are, and the introduction of Mos Def’s Brother Sam. Dexter doesn’t quite realize the extent of what’s going on and just how many people are involved, since in the past he’s dealt with singular serial killers or, last season, one ringleader with some henchmen. Dexter getting caught in Sam’s squabble with thugs and sticking up for him is an interesting twist, especially considering he was prepared to kill him that night when he thought that he had already killed someone else, which didn’t turn out to be true at all. Professor Gellar punishing Travis for spending too much time with his sister, played by Molly Parker, is an indication that he is one serious, scary guy, and I’m very intrigued to learn more aobut him. Quinn’s fridge proposal to Deb didn’t go over too well, but she seems all too distracted by her shocking promotion to lieutenant made by Matthews specifically to spite Laguerta. I like that the friendship between Batista and Deb is so strong that he is genuinely proud of her and just furious, understandably, at Laguerta. Quinn being rebuked by Deb may turn out to be quite problematic, but I don’t think he was quite equipped to deal with being with Deb full-time. Masuka’s new intern is casting quite the spell on her mentor, and I do hope that doesn’t backfire too tragically on him.

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