Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What I’m Watching: Dexter

Dexter: Season 6, Episode 3 “Smokey and the Bandit” (B+)

For all this thinking about his son that he’s been doing lately, it’s fitting for Dexter to have a look into his future as he skillfully tracks down a serial killer in his seventies. Dexter’s comparisons of old age to a second childhood rang true, and he seemed determined not to let this become his fate, furious at Walter for even suggesting that, moments before his death. Walter was an alternately off-putting and amusing guest character, and it was interesting to see how quickly the grouch took to Dexter, though it turned out that he realized Dexter was onto him and was taking measures to ensure that he got to Dexter before Dexter got to him. I noted before Dexter did that he had gotten into another car accident just after he got it repaired, but that should give him a reason to go see Brother Sam again, if he doesn’t decide to take him up on his offer to come to church. Deb’s not having an easy time being “Lieutenant Me,” and Laguerta is making it infinitely worse by trying to make decisions for her and undermining her during the briefing. The Chicago transfer’s reaction to her greeting him was particularly harsh, but she did a great job chewing him out for his insubordination. Ryan’s acceptance of Masuka’s date request was a surprise, and I’m still hopeful that it won’t lead anywhere negative. Travis holding Nathan prisoner and demanding that he atone was disturbing, but there’s nothing quite like the demonstration of his death with the two bodies on the horse, an image I’d be perfectly happen to get out of my head.

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