Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 3, Episode 4 “Feeding the Rat” (B+)

It’s rare that things actually start right in the middle of the action so that we get to see the meat of the case and understand that the prosecution’s number one suspect couldn’t possibly be guilty because we saw the crime from his perspective as a witness. It’s equally intriguing to see Cary going up against Alicia through someone else’s eyes, as Imani starts working with him and ends up being a pretty respectable ally not without her own tricks up her sleeve. Harvey Fierstein was a fun guest star Judge Francis Flamm, clearly advocating for Alicia but easily swayable depending upon the delicacy and attractiveness of the claims made. Diane’s interest in Celeste put Will in an uncomfortable position, though nothing could have been as squirm-inducing as bringing Peter over and talking about how Alicia works with Will. The revelation that Celeste is actually starting a new firm and wants Will to come there so that he can one day become the new baseball commissioner threatened to actually convince him to leave, but his loyalty appears to be stronger than that. I was surprised to recognize John Lutz from “30 Rock” as the lawyer providing the strippers in his hotel room, but it’s always fun to see an actor in an unexpected place. I’m glad to see Romany Malco from “Weeds” and “No Ordinary Family” getting an interesting new role as the pro bono lawyer from Legal Aid whose situation so inspired Diane that she wants to bring them in-house, which is sure to shake things up and cause Eli some grief, especially as he tries unsuccessfully to fully take Kalinda and Alicia for his own use.

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