Sunday, October 2, 2011

What I’m Watching: Modern Family

Modern Family: Season 3, Episode 3 “Phil on Wire” (B+)

This episode provides a full recovery from the somewhat iffy nature of last week’s twin installments, delivering superbly on all fronts. Cam and Mitchell’s juice fast provided an entertaining chronology of the events leading up to their breakdowns and joint recovery and reconciliation in the ocean outside Mitchell’s boss Charlie’s home. Charlie’s comment about Mitchell being “just a work friend” was quite humorous, and my favorite line connected with the entire plotline was Mitchell’s description of Cameron as a “big needy brisket case.” Claire had her own brilliant line designed to humiliate the school traffic cop who was giving her a hard time, calling her “Law & Order: Special Parking Unit,” something which resulted in her getting put in plastic handcuffs. Alex and Haley being placed in the same math class presented hilariously opposite viewpoints on work ethics and classroom decorum, and I liked Haley’s remark that “everything I touch turns to detention.” Gloria’s concern that Jay was coddling the dog was funniest most because of the confusion that Manny and the two juice fasters had about what might be termed as a “people cookie” and what might not be. Phil’s excitement after watching the terrific documentary “Man on Wire” led to a wonderfully sentimental finish, in which Phil successfully walked the tightrope, giving him one more way to get across his yard, and everything worked out great for all the characters, serving as a delightful reminder that this is a magnificent show with a whole lot going for it.


Unknown said...

Abe, I know it's really early to be thinking about this since we just got done with this year's ceremony, but I think if Sofia Vergara wants to win an Emmy next year, this would be a great episode to submit (that scene where she's chewing on Jay's shoe in front of Stella was some stellar comedy from her). Maybe we'll get a better one later in the year, but that was definitely my favorite scene in this episode (at least the biggest laugh I got).

Movies with Abe said...

Never too early to be thinking about the Emmys! This would definitely be a great episode for her to submit, and theoretically, she's in line for it now that Jane Lynch and Julie Bowen have both won.