Sunday, October 16, 2011

What I’m Watching: Modern Family

Modern Family: Season 3, Episode 5 “Hit and Run” (B+)

I’m pleased to report that the introduction of David Cross’ Duane Bailey last week has led to something quite productive, as Claire has decided to run for city council, which should prove an intriguing and new direction for the show. Phil was the one who wanted to be able to push Claire off the cliff, and it was fun to see him smack Luke in the face while trying to open a band-aid and accidentally give Alex the nighttime allergy medication. Haley’s loss of the $900 prompted an entertaining field trip by the men while Gloria and Claire sat at home and drank. Cameron going nuts on the father when they were actually in the Muppets movie was hilarious, as was his reaction to the hit and run. I’m glad that Mitchell was able to redeem himself by tackling runaway Peter, though everyone seemed almost too distracted by his achievement that they almost let him get away. It’s always great to hear Manny articulate his frustrations with kids his age, and he had a brilliant moment with his mother confusing Bieber with beavers. Gloria did end up being a superb solution for Jay when it came to presenting his closet pitch to Samm Levine’s young hotshot who wanted to hear something that would wow him. I loved that it was the exact same pitch, and Jay’s face said it all. Luke having literally frozen his assets in ice was highly amusing, and definitely the best thing to come out of Haley losing that $900.

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