Sunday, October 16, 2011

What I’m Watching: Psych (Season Premiere)

Psych: Season 6, Episode 1 “Shawn Rescues Darth Vader” (B+)

What an absolute pleasure it is to have this show back, and I’m excited to report that this season premiere was just as funny as ever. The setup was brilliant, with Shawn already inside the ambassador’s home because of his extracurricular Darth Vader-related mission, prompting him to use his knowledge of what he actually saw happen in the house to get in good with Malcolm McDowell’s Ambassador Fanshaw. His response to having been photographed in the house, claiming that the person had similar hair but no idea what to do with it, was quite funny, but it was his desire to do whatever possible with his newly-gained and quickly-rescinded diplomatic immunity that really took the cake. Trying to commandeer a car from a driver was one of his high points. Lassiter forcing Juliet to take a polygraph so that she’d admit her relationship with Shawn was typically extreme for the lone wolf detective, and I like that Shawn managed to pass too, admitting that he loved Juliet in the process – which was quickly confirmed by the machine after everyone expressed curiosity – and convinced Lassiter once and for all that he actually was a psychic. The flashback to Henry training a young Shawn how to pass a polygraph back in 1991 was no surprise. I’m most delighted by the presence of Kurt Fuller’s coroner Woody, who has a whole slew of hilarious lines to deliver in this installment. Fuller was one of the most consistent, funnier parts of ABC’s cancelled “Better With You,” so I’m glad to see him back on television in a perfect scene-stealing part.

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