Monday, October 17, 2011

What I’m Watching: Parks & Recreation

Parks & Recreation: Season 4, Episode 4 “Pawnee Rangers” (B+)

This show has featured several installments where the focus is on how Ron likes to do something manly and Leslie thinks that women should be allowed to be included. While this must be at least the fourth or fifth time this theme has been explored, it’s hardly old yet, and seeing the differences between the Rangers and the Goddesses proved quite entertaining. Having them go to the same campsite with such drastically different amenities and activities was funny, and I like that, ultimately, Leslie realized that Ron should have his proper followers, thereby creating the Swansons and cheering him up a bit. Ann trying to fit in predictably didn’t go too smoothly, but it was amusing to see her try so hard, particularly with that pre-prepared fish. I couldn’t place the actress who played Millicent, and I’m pleased to discover that it was Sarah Wright, who I remember as one of the standout performers from season one of FOX’s “The Loop,” on which she portrayed Lizzy. It’s fitting that Jerry would have a gorgeous daughter, and that he would be happy to let Chris take her out without spending days on end getting to know him. Unfortunately, Chris’ enthusiasm means that he is prone to over-detailed progress reports that should definitely not be given to a father. Treat Yo Self day was a hoot, with Donna and Tom indulging in a way that they pretty much do the rest of the year too. I’m glad that they invited Ben and managed to get him to dress up as Batman and buy the costume, which made for one great visual.

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